Conf. univ. dr. ing. Mihailovici Jorj-Mădălin

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tel: +40747074427


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Dintre activitățile notabile menționăm:

Articole reprezentative din ultimii 10 ani

  1. Cărti:

M.Mihailovici, V.Zaharia –RESURSE DE APĂ – GESTIUNE ȘI PROTECȚIE, Amanda Edit, 2017, ISBN 978-606-979-053-3, 2018

  1. Articole:

Perju; A. Aldea; M. Mihailovici; V. Zaharia – Challenges in the assessment of water loss KPIs in large distribution systems. Case study of Bucharest water supply system, Water, Resources, Forest, Marine and Ocean ecosystems conference proceedings,Vol I Book Series: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference – SGEM, Publicat: 2016, ISBN 978 – 619 – 7105 – 61 – 2 , ISSN 1314 – 2704, Pag: 113-120. LINK

S. Perju, M. Mihailovici, I. Stănescu – Simulation of two high pressure distribution network operation in one-network connection, Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering, nr.3, septembrie 2014, pag. 31 – 39, Scientific Journal of the Technical University of Civil Engineering, De Gruyter. LINK

B. Roche, M. Mihailovici,  V. Zaharia : Water loss reduction through Hydraulic Modelling, volum conferință : Proceedin6.67+gs of IWA 5th Eastern European Young and Senior Water Professionals Conference. pag. 316-326, Publicat de: IWA Publishing

Dragos Gaitanaru; Constantin Radu Gogu; Mohamed Amine Boukhemacha; Liviu Litescu; Valentin Zaharia; Alexandru Moldovan; Madalin J. Mihailovici – Bucharest city urban groundwater monitoring system, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, Volum 209, 2017, pag. 143 – 147, ISSN 1877-7058. LINK

Constantin Radu Gogu; Dragos Gaitanaru; Mohamed Amine Boukhemacha; Irina Serpescu; Liviu Litescu; Valentin Zaharia; Alexandru Moldovan; Madalin J. Mihailovici – Urban hydrogeology studies in Bucharest City, Romania, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, Volum 209, 2017, pag. 135 – 142, ISSN 1877-7058. LINK

Perju Sorin; Alexandru Aldea; Mihailovici Mădălin – Progresses in the operation and functioning of pumping stations for water and wastewater networks, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, Volum 209, 2017, pag. 172 – 179, ISSN 1877-7058. LINK

Cătălin Popescu, Mădălin Mihailovici, Valentin Zaharia, Laurențu Lungu – Analysis of multi-purpose reservoirs subjected to heavy sediment deposits, Twenty-Sixth International Congress on Large Dams, CRC Press, 2018 ISBN 9780429465086 . LINK

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